The Trials and Tribulations of a Twin Pregnancy

As I watch someone I love go thru the beginning stages of a twin pregnancy, I am reminded of all those scary things that I thought would scar me for life.  Funny thing is, when I look back 6 years later, I remember how much I loved being pregnant and mostly just the fun parts.  Strange how our minds work, I thought for sure I would be sharing my stories of early bleeding, renting a fetal heart monitor, bed rest, headaches, elephant size feet and hands, passing out during the ultrasound due to the enormous weight on my spine, nearly going bald, etc. etc.

Many of these are just normal pregnancy symptoms, however, they start earlier and are often times intensified with a twin pregnancy (or multiples).  I finding that during conversations with her, things are starting to come back to me, and I’m remembering the tough stuff.  So I went back recently thru my very brief pregnancy journal, and there they were, all those things that I thought I would nearly not survive at the time.  Funny, here I am, and there are those two perfect babies.

You will survive, and although not all pregnancies are perfect, and there were many other unsuccessful ones for me before the twin pregnancy, I survived those too.  And so will you, even if it doesn’t always feel like you can.

Are you pregnant with twins/multiples?  How far along?  What issues are you facing?

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